  • 期刊


The Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with Acute Lung Injury due to Drowning




溺水 急性肺損傷 焦慮 護理


This article discusses the process of emergency medical treatment process of a patient with acute lung injury due to drowning of which physiological and psychological health issues have arisen due to the disease itself and the medical treatments received. Nursing care was provided over a period from the 20th to the 25th of July 2012, and objective and subjective findings were collected via participants of the nursing care process using physical evaluations, observations, surveys and interviews. Gordon's 11 functional health patterns were used for a general evaluation and the issues involved for the case included: Impairment of gas exchange; Stress of care provider; and Anxiety. Nursing care was provided with respect to the aforementioned health issues, which included: abdominal breathing education for the patient, adjustment of Positive End Expiratory Pressure and oxygen concentration of ventilator at appropriate times, in order to improve the condition of gas exchange impairment. Self-denial and anxiety were both experienced by the family members as well during the process and nursing guidance was provided, and they were invited to participate in the nursing process to help them overcome stress. In order to reduce the anxiety of the patient, the nursing personnel listened attentively to the needs of the patient, while common body language and conversation boards were used for communication. Weaning was successful under the combined care of the medical team, and we hope to use the experience obtained from this case as a reference for clinical nursing personnel in ER settings for the future care of patients with similar disease. The emphasis lies not only on the resolution of physiological issues, but also on healthcare with regards to the psychological status of the patient in order to achieve an all-round and thorough nursing care.


Drowning acute lung injury anxiety nursing


