  • 期刊


Improving Accuracy of Care Provided to Patients with Scabies in Quarantine




隔離病房 疥瘡 照護流程


Scabies occur in clusters easily. From July to December 2016, the patients with scabies were transferred to the general ward without completing their treatment, which caused distrust toward the isolation ward staff. Therefore, auditing, observation, interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted in April 2017, and the researchers identified low accuracy of 38.8% of care provided to patients with scabies in the isolation ward. The causes included uncertain placement of infested articles, insufficient isolation gowns, inconsistent content of patient education, premature termination of spatial quarantine, inaccurate ointment doses and inappropriate body application, and lack of detailed care procedures. To improve the accuracy of care from 38.8% to 100%, from May 2017 to March 2018, the research team implemented standard management storage of infested articles in designated placement locations, use of disposable isolation gowns, development of a uniform patient education sheet, definition of accurate calculation of spatial quarantine time periods, and development of the clinical care process. As a result, the accuracy of scabies care reached 100%. We suggest that these care strategies be applied to other units in the hospital.


isolation ward scabies care process


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