  • 期刊


The Intensive Care Experience in an Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patient




This article describes nursing experience caring for an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patient. The patient was administered emergency first-aid, and then transferred to the intensive care unit. Due to loss of consciousness and the inability to respirate on his own, the patient might have faced lifetime disabilities and the potential for family difficulties. During the intensive care period, from March 25, 2016 to April 8, 2016, the Gordon's Eleven Item Functional Health Indicators were used to holistically assess the major health problems: sensory and consciousness changes, ventilator withdrawal difficulties, and the anxiety of the primary caregiver. Immediate interventional therapeutic hypothermia and multi-sensory stimulation therapy was administered. The patient's state of consciousness improved from E1VEM1 to E4V2M6. Also, a respiratory training program was formulated by a cross-disciplinary team and individualized to the patient. The ventilator was eventually removed from the patient smoothly. Using the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the patient's family members were found to be extremely anxious. But through active caring and non-verbal communication, staff gave positive support and allowed the family to participate in care activities, successfully alleviating their anxiety and helping the patient and family members survive their crisis, being then able to return home. The authors expect to share this successful empirical experience as a reference for nurses.


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