  • 期刊


The Nursing Care Experience of an Intracranial Hemorrhagic Stroke Patient with Dysphagia




This paper presents the nursing experience of a stroke patient with hemiplegia and dysphagia who failed to accept the changes in his body, with corresponding emergence of negative emotions. The nursing period was from November 16 to 28, 2019. Data was collected through observation, interview, and physical assessment. By utilizing Gordon's 11 Function Health Patterns, we performed an integrated evaluation regarding body, mind, spirit, and social functions. The confirmed main health problems were swallowing dysfunction, physical activity dysfunction and body image disturbance, etc. These problems induced strong negative thoughts, not only inducing the patient to lack confidence and self-worth but affect disease progression and quality of life as well. This motivates us to discuss the case. Priority was placed on restoration of swallowing function during the nursing process, while individual care was developed through the cooperation of a professional multidisciplinary team experienced with strokes. Withdrawal of the nasogastric tube, restoration of self-feeding and adjustment of the impact on body image as soon as possible along with swallowing exercises and dietary guidance were all implemented. The patient could then confront long-term rehabilitation activities with a positive attitude, improve the activities of daily living, obtain a better quality of life and return to normal life. Clinical medical staff should pay more attention to stroke patients with dysphagia. Through dysphagia screening and planned interventions, the incidence of aspiration pneumonia could be significantly reduced as well as the chance of eating safely by mouth regained to satisfy the appetite. We hope to provide this nursing experience as a reference for nursing staff to take care of similar cases in the future.


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