  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying Hospice Care to a Dying Patient Suffering from Terminal Breast Cancer




安寧療護 乳癌末期 瀕死


This article describes a case of combining multiple organ metastasis at the end of breast cancer. At the end of life, the patient had multiple physical discomforts and worries about not being able to complete the care experience of the final wishes. The nursing period for this case was from July 16 to July 26, 2019. Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns were used as an assessment tool, collecting data through interviews, listening, medical record review and physical assessment. The major health problems were identified as impaired urinary elimination, ineffective breathing patterns and anticipatory grief. According to the concept of "fourfold holistic care" comfortable care was used to relieve the feeling of breathing while use of correct cleaning techniques and care to maintain comfort were introduced. A therapeutic relationship was established through caring, companionship, empathy and listening, combined with cross-team cooperation through communication, dialogue and life review in repairing the relationship between family members, enabling final wishes of giving complete thanks and love, apologizing, and goodbyes. Besides, the medical team continued to care for the family even after the patient had passed away, and it is expected this study could provide a reference for clinical nursing staff in dealing with similar cases by sharing this nursing experience.


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