  • 期刊


The Knowledge, Attitudes and Preventive Beheviors of Urologic Complications among Patients with Spinal Cord Injury


本研究的目的在探討花蓮地區脊髓損傷患者對泌尿系統併發症的知識、態度與預防行為,及相關的影響因素。本研究以花蓮地區脊髓損傷患者為研究對象,採用自擬之結構性問卷,以問卷訪談收集資料,共收案54位病患。資料分析方法包括描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、薛費氏事後比較(Scheffe's test)及皮爾森相關分析(Pearson's correlation),結果顯示(1)認知方面,泌尿系統併發症的認知答對率為76.1%,其中在「泌尿系統併發症原因」方面得分最高,得分最低為「泌尿系統的解剖生理」;(2)對泌尿系統併發症的態度,平均得分3.43,持較中立偏正向的態度;(3)在預防行為方面,以會去觀察尿液的顏色、清澈度之得分較高(平均得分4.13);(4)個人因素如年齡、受傷部位、是否曾經發生過泌尿系統併發症對泌尿系統併發症知識、態度與預防行為未具顯著差異;(5)泌尿系統併發症的認知方面會受到損傷至今時間(F=4.657,p=0.014)及學歷(F=5.202,p=0.003)的影響;(6)性別(t=2.188,p=0.033)及損傷之完全性(F=5.401,p=0.007)會影響個案在泌尿系統併發症預防行為之執行;(7)脊髓損傷患者對泌尿系統併發症的知識分別會影響病患對泌尿系統併發症的態度(r=0.302,p=0.027)及預防行為(r=0.364,p=0.007)的執行;而態度亦會影響其預防行為的執行(r=0.311,p=0.022)。(慈濟護理雜誌, 2004; 3:2, 59-67.)


The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge,attitudes,and preventive behaviors of urologic complications,and related factors among patients with spinal cord injury in Hualien. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling from Haulien. A total of 54 subjects were chosen. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,one-way ANOVA,Scheffe's test,Pearson's correlation. The results of this study indicated that (1) About 76.1% of patients had correct responses to questions concerning knowledge of urologic complications. Scores in the ”reasons of urologic complications” category were good but scores in the ”anatomy and physiology” category were not as good. (2) They had ”moderate attitude” toward urologic complications ”mean scores= 3.43” (3) In preventive behaviors: scores in the ”observe for urine color and clearness” with a higher scores (mean scores=4.13). (4) The knowledge,attitudes,and preventive behaviors of urologic complications were not influenced by patient's age,location of injury and event of urologic complications. (5) Factors influencing the knowledge of urologic complications were the level of education (F=5.202, p=0.003) and duration after injury (F=4.657, p=0.014). (6) Factors influencing the preventive behaviors of urologic complications were sex (t=2.188, p=0.033) and level of injury (F=5.401, p=0.007). (7) The knowledge,attitudes and preventive behaviors of urologic complications among patients with spinal cord injury were positively correlated. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2004; 3:2, 59-67.)


