  • 期刊


Humanizing Health Care Management from Medical Perspectives


在醫學圈裡打滾了四十餘年,終於發覺到回歸自然才是最佳的保持健康方法。二十世紀生物化學的貢獻,使人類享盡繁華,但也爲人們留下無窮的後患。到了二十一世紀人類開始從生物化學的領域覺醒過來,走向生物物理的世界。 筆者體會到的「醫學三原素」學說再回歸自然,發展出一套人性化的健康管理方法與制度。所謂人性化健康管理,即係順其自然、不吃力、不刻意、不做作,在適當的自然壓力下進行的健康照顧。好逸惡勞是人的劣根性,也是健康的勁敵;這不是本能,它完全出自意念,是完全可以由自己掌控的。好像善惡一樣,向善、向惡是可以由自己一念之差來决定的,這也是人性化健康管理的先决條件。在這個基本條件下,設計出以人性爲出發點的健康管理觀念。使每一個參與者,都有賓至如歸的親切感,首先解除人與人的隔閡,拉近人與人之間的距離,建立起健康管理的第一步。 其次,是解除對尖端科技儀器的恐懼,使用非侵入性技術,用間接的方式來瞭解身體的機能與狀况,例如:由身體能量的秦值變化來了解身體器官運作現况、食品藥物的適合程度及需要劑量;由眼球虹膜的變化來觀察整體器官的運作過程以及先天弱點所在,身體存有多少毒素、藏在那裡、排毒的效果如何等等。當瞭解了身體現况,查出了緣由機轉後,再進入日後養生保健的課題,爲你量身定製一份適合你專用的保健方案建議。


After serving as a medical doctor for over 40 years, I have found that ”returning to nature” to be the best health care maintenance. Although the field of biochemistry has contributed to the welfare of mankind in the 20th century it has also caused many problems of human health. While biophysics has brought us many benefits, associated fields in biophysics have led to such harmful products as microwave ovens, cell phones and radiation. Although we wish to enjoy the fruits of technology, we need to protect ourselves from the harmful side effects of technological products. Based on my experience in Eastern, Western and Aerospace medicine, as well as my Three Medical Elements Theory, I have developed a method of humanized health management which is centered around natural health and the appropriate natural stress. To attain this goal a group of medical professionals formed an organization caned the Health Station, which focuses its operation on human nature. Participants develop close relationships as the first step towards health management. The staff at The Health Station next examines participants using non-invasive instruments such as the Chin value detector and iridology. The staff win use the results of the examinations to teach the participants about their individual health weaknesses and help them find the means to strengthen those weak areas. A health management plan will be tailored to suit the needs of each participant and theft progress will be observed and traced by the staff. I have discovered that water is the most important part of good health care. Avoiding processed water such as distilled water and ionized water is vital to good health. Maintaining correct posture is also critical to our health, because a twisted spinal column win suppress the nerves leading from it, which further affects the normal functions of our body. Getting dough sleep is another important part of good health care. Many toxins, which accumulate in our body through metabolic and environmental contamination, cause illness, aging and cancer. As part of the program at The Health Station, the staff teaches the participants how to eliminate toxins from the body. In addition, the staff also educates the participants about balanced nutrition and the correct ways of exercising.


health care nature chin value iridology
