  • 期刊


Nursing Care of a Suicidal Elder Patient with Esophageal Corrosive Injury




Esophageal corrosive injury which is caused by ingesting caustic agents will lead to esophageal erythema, edema, being unable to intake food, and resulting even more serious problems of esophageal stricture, rotten danger and perforation. The nursing goal is to make patients comfortable, maintain their physiological function, prevent them from other complications, and pay attention to the reconstruction of the social aspect of psychology. The case study of a suicidal elder patient with esophageal corrosive injury and complicated with acute respiratory failure becamse he swallowed household cleaning products. The nursing problems were established according to Gorden 11-item Functional Health Pattern, to include acute pain, ineffective breathing pattern and ineffective coping. The author offered the appropriate nursing interventions to reduce oropharyngeal pain as well as difficulty in swallowing, improve breathing patterns by weaning from the ventilator; establish rapport with the patient, help the patient face the reason leading to suicide, seek mental support from family, offer social resources, set up social life, rebuild the patient's physical and mental conditions, and develop more positive attitude towards life. My clinical findings suggeste that besides the physiological nursing of the patient suffering from suicide, future interventions may be needed to put more emphasis on understanding mental and social status for these patients.


esophageal corrosive injury suicide


