  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Induced Shock




This report presented nursing experience of a patient with dengue fever-induced shock and multiple organ failure. During the nursing care period starting from April 23(superscript rd) to May 3(superscript rd), 2008, the author utilized Roy's adaptation model to assess the patient and identified three major health problems. These were impaired spontaneous ventilation, ineffective protection, and fear. The author applied psychological support, body massage, music, and religious support to improve the patient's and the family's physical, mental, and spiritual health. The patient's health problems could be identified in time through interdisciplinary case conferences. By using inotropic agents, blood transfusion, hemodialysis, ventilation, and nutrition support, the patient survived through this critical period. This case report can serve as a reference for future nurses who encounter similar nursing care situation.
