  • 期刊


A Study of Body Image and Associated Factors among Students in Continuing Education


本研究之目的在探討技術學院進修部新生體型意識及其相關因素。研究對象爲台北縣某技術學院進修部新生,採自填式問卷收集資料,共得到有效樣本570名,問卷回收率爲90.8%,男生340名,女生230名。研究工具爲多向度自我身體關係問卷(multiple body-self relation questionnaire, MBSRQ)。研究結果發現:(一)在實際體型中,男生有1/4以上爲超過標準,女生有1/5爲低於標準;然而在期望體型方面,男生期望爲適中的體型居多,女生期望過輕的體型。(二)女生對身體各部位滿意度、外表評價方面顯著的低於男學生,並且對體重關注度高於男學生。(三)身體各部位滿意度與外表評價呈現顯著正相關,與體重關注、實際及期望BMI(body mass index)值呈現顯著的負相關。(四)體型意識在年齡、性別、學制及實際體型則呈現顯著差異。進修部新生爲達成社會所期望瘦的體型,產生體型壓力,尤其在女生所期望的體型上,對身體部位不滿意的部位愈來愈多,更強調曲線的纖細。期望本研究結果可以提供相關人員瞭解及擬訂相關政策或活動,以提昇進修部新生體型意識認知之參考。


This study investigated body image and related factors among freshmen in continuing education at a technology school in northern Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire, the multiple body-self relation questionnaire (MBSRQ), was administered to 340 male and 230 female students (response rate =90.8%). The results showed that one-fourth of males were overweight, while one-fifth of females were underweight. Most males expected a normal body size and most females expected an underweighted body size. Females were less satisfied with their body, had a poorer appearance evaluation and were more concerned about their weight than males. Satisfaction with their body was positively associated with the appearance evaluation, and was negatively associated with weight concerns and actual/expected BMI values. Age, gender, education system and BMI values were significant factors in terms of body image. Thus, meeting the socially expected slim body size may be a stressor among students in continuing education. Females were more concerned about their body and their slimness. This study should be able to act as a reference for health professionals and help an understanding of body image among students. It will also help to initiate activities/policies targeted at students in continuing education in order to improve their body image.


