  • 期刊


A Pilot Study on Developing a Family Caregiver Burden Scale for Family Caregivers of the Terminal Cancer Patients


研究目的在發展一份適合於本土癌末病患家屬照顧者評估用之照顧負荷量表。以立意取樣方式,在高屏地區的一家醫學中心、一家區域醫院及二家地區醫院,共選擇100位罹患癌症第四期,醫師建議接受安寧療護住院病患的主要家屬照顧者爲研究對象。依據照顧負荷文獻查證的內容、筆者在照顧癌末病患的臨床經驗、專家的建議,及因素分析結果發展出17題的照顧負荷量表。 結果發現:量表之內容效度指數CVI爲.98,Cronbach's α值爲.89,經主軸因子萃取法歸納出四個面向,分別命名爲「身心負荷」、「靈性負荷」、「經濟負荷」和「生活負荷」,四個因素共可解釋58%的總變異量。顯示本量表具有良好的信效度,建議作爲臨床與研究在評估照顧負荷的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to assess caregivers' burden of caring the terminal cancer patients. This study used the purposive sampling method to recruit one hundred family caregivers who took care of hospitalized terminal cancer patients and being referred to a hospice care unit in a medical center, a regional and two district hospitals in Kaohsiung and Pingtung. The caregiver burden scale with seventeen items was developed based on literature review, researchers' clinical experiences on oncologic nursing, and experts' opinions. The results showed: the index of content validity for the caregiver burden scale was .98, and the Cronbach's α was .89. Results of principal axis factors revealed a four-factor solution in the caregiver burden scale that included physical-psychological burden, spiritual burden, economic burden, and daily-living burden. Four-factor solution had accounted for 58% of the total variance. The caregiver burden scale is reliable and valid, and it can be a useful tool to assess caregiver burden for clinical practice and research.


