  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Retroperitoneal Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Intestinal Infiltration under Home Care with Total Parenteral Nutrition




The article described a nursing experience of a patient who received debulking surgery for retroperitoneal recurrence after a radical nephrectomy of renal cell carcinoma. The stool leaked from the surgical wound after the operation, and discharge planning was provided with total parenteral nutrition upon discharge. The patient exhibited various emotional reactions induced by rapid disease progression during hospitalization from September 12th to October 23rd, 2009. We used ”Gordon 11 Functional Health Pattern” to evaluate the patient's condition, and several nursing problems were identified, including anxiety, hyperthermia, poor nutrition, body image disturbance, and deficient knowledge. We used communication and empathy skills to establish a relationship of mutual trust, educated the patient and family regarding self-care at home, integrated healthcare-related resources and provided nursing advices aiding the patient in overcoming the impact of the disease, enabling the patient to accept the changes in body image and confront the difficulties in after-care.
