  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of an Emergency Department Patient with Buerger's Disease and Arterial Ulcer Suffering from Chronic Pain




This article described a nursing experience of a 32 year-old female patient in the emergency department observation unit diagnosed with Buerger's disease and arterial ulcer. The nursing period was from October 14^(th) to 17^(th), 2013. With Roy's adaptation model as assessment framework, the patient's data were collected via interviews, physical assessment and examination, and chart review. Three major health issues were identified: altered peripheral tissue perfusion, chronic pain, and impaired adjustment. Basing on the knowledge of Buerger's disease, chronic pain, and arterial ulcer care, the nursing staff primarily assisted in Ischemic ulcer wound healing and pain relief, encouraging the patient to learn to coexist with chronic pain and to acquire management skills, and allow the patient to face and adjust to the diseases and drug dependence via listening and mental support.
