  • 期刊


Application of Perioperative Nursing on Oral Cancer Undergoing Flap Reconstruction Surgery




The objective of this article is to describe the perioperative nursing experience of a patient with oral cancer undergoing flap reconstruction surgery. From October 26, 2017 to November 10, we collected the data of the patient according to Gordon's 11-itemed functional health patterns with resect to preoperative visits, intraoperative care, postoperative education, observation, and visiting methods. As a result, we were able to determine the patient's main health problems over the course of care. In the preoperative phase, the major problem was anxiety. During the operative phase, the major nursing problem was the potential risk of pressure sores. In the postoperative nursing care phase, the major problem was the body image disorder. Preoperative visits assist patients in facing the disease. Preoperative preparation process aims to reduce their anxiety and maintain the patient's safety during operation. Postoperative visits aims to assess the patient's needs, accompany them through the period of change in appearance, encourage family support and companionship to enhance the patient's self-confidence, share experiences through continuous care mode, and implement the perioperative nursing methods for overall care. This study can serve as a reference for nursing similar patients and to improve the quality of the perioperative nursing.


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