  • 期刊


The Use of Diversified Teaching Strategies to Promote the Integrity of the Completeness Rate in the Care of Breast Cancer Patients for Chemotherapy




多元化教學 乳癌 化學治療


This study aimed to find out in clinical status the rate of patients consulting by phone concerning the side-effects of chemotherapy and interventions of symptoms that increased after being discharged. Upon thorough investigation, the following reasons were indicated: nurses did not offer instructional manual about chemotherapy self-care to patients; the nurses were reckless about the importance of teaching patients about self-care after they have been discharged; the nurses were inconsistent in providing health education; the nurses had lack of knowledge about new chemotherapy drugs; the nurses had insufficient instruction material that did not fit patients' needs; the lack of standard auditing; and insufficient nursing training. After analyzing the aforementioned reasons, some strategies were formulated. These include providing education training, creating handbooks about self-care after chemotherapy, making videos, developing standard procedures of health education, creating pithy formulas, and establishing an auditing checklist of nursing instruction. After the interventions were executed, the results indicated that the completion rate increased from 65.2% up to 95.7%. Moreover, the rate of knowledge about self-care for breast cancer patients after chemotherapy increased from 61.7% to 90.6%. Thus, this project is being campaigned to other similar surgical wards.


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