  • 期刊


Application of Watson's Theory in Caring for a Patient Who Experienced Domestic Violence in an Emergency Department




家庭暴力 急診護理 恐懼 焦慮


This article presents a case of a 52-year-old woman who suffered physical violence in her husband's family for the first time. Initially, she concealed the domestic violence incident. Upon entering the emergency room, the patient has tears in her eyes, which triggered the author's motivation for writing. The nursing period covers from 19:36 to 21:42 on April 16, 2020. The author uses actual care, observation, physical examination and evaluation, medical record review, and telephone follow-up to confirm acute pain, fear, and anxiety. During the nursing period, wound care was provided to relieve pain and improve wound care skills. The author used Watson's caring theory to provide a safe and private space, assisted in the process of injury examination and evidence collection and notification, accompanied and listened to the patient throughout the process, and alleviated the patient's fear of being injured again. The medical team explained to the patient the definition and scope of domestic violence, provided social resources, enhanced self-worth, and guided a positive attitude in the future.


anxiety domestic violence emergency care fear


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