  • 期刊


Exploring the Influence of Doll Therapy on Depression Level of Long-Term Care Facility Residents




長期照顧 娃娃治療 憂鬱


Residents of long-term care facilities are prone to experience negative feelings of loss, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, which accentuates the impact of physical problems on health. International studies have found that doll therapy exerts a non-pharmacological therapeutic effect in patients with dementia by enhancing happiness and reducing the symptoms of mental and behavioral disturbances. This study explores the effectiveness of a 4-week doll therapy intervention on depression symptoms in residents (n=24) of a long-term care facility in Taipei. A research design with pre/post-test of a single group was adopted, with participants recruited by purposive sampling. The Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form (GDS-SF) was used after 4 weeks of doll therapy activity introduction and the actual doll therapy intervention. The paired-sample t-test showed the post-test score mean of 19.13 was significantly lower than the pre-test score mean of 25.23, Furthermore, the t-test showed a significant difference between the pre- and post-test scores of GDS-SF (p < .001); the post-test score (mean = 3.74) was significantly lower than the pre-test score (mean = 5.26), showing that the residents' depression levels decreased after the intervention. Results suggest doll therapy activities can reduce the depression level among the residents of long-term care facilities, leading to a decrease in their negative emotions and improvement in satisfaction levels and quality of life.


depression doll therapy long-term care


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