  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in an Outpatient Case of Ischemic Stroke Rehabilitation




This study investigated the combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the recovery process of a 36-year-old man who suffered from ischemic stroke. During the recovery period syncope, chest tightness, and sudden onset type A aortic dissection were noted after surgery. The author was a nurse of outpatient department of Chinese and Western medicine. From March 5 to May 21, 2020, three times a week, during the outpatient department, health problem such as physical dysfunction, constipation, and anxiety were assessed by physical assessment and four examinations of Chinese medicine. Based on the empirical literature on the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, a rehabilitation plan was developed that included the physical therapist and nurse. The traditional Chinese medicine acupoint pressing and foot bath were combined for the therapy. Head acupoint assisted with combs was used with the aim of promoting the secretion of endorphin. Constipation was improved by diet and health education. The patient' s anxiety decreased from moderate to mild based on Baker Anxiety Scale scores. It is hoped that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can be helpful in clinical practice to improve the self-care ability of patients and to improve lower limbs muscle power.


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