  • 期刊


Enhancing Out-of-Bed Mobilization of Elderly Patients




Most hospitalized patients are elderly, and they often spend their time on bed rest during hospitalization. This has resulted in patients losing muscle power and mobility. Aside from that, it has even caused complications and delayed discharge. This project aimed to address this issue. According to our analysis, only 20.2% of elderly inpatients had adequate out-of-bed mobilization. We identified the main causes as follows: 1. The patients lack motivation regarding out-of-bed mobilization; 2. The patients and their caregivers are concerned about the risk of getting out of bed and have insufficient knowledge of out-of-bed mobilization; 3. There is a lack of encouragement from the nurses to get out of bed. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to improve the out-of-bed mobilization rate of elderly patients during hospitalization to 60%. The approaches we adopted were developing a care standard for an out-of-bed mobilization program, holding in-service training, making transfer skill graphic illustration cards and educational pamphlets, and organizing health promotion activities. In doing so, a 66.5% rate of out-of-bed mobilization during the hospitalization of elderly patients was achieved. In conclusion, this project actually enhanced the out-of-bed mobilization rate and improved the healthcare quality during hospitalization.


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