  • 期刊


Gender Issues in Indigenous Television News




性別 族群 媒體 原住民新聞 原住民記者


This paper explores gender issues as seen in indigenous television news in Taiwan. The representation of gender in indigenous media is involved with gender norms, taboos, and cultural regulations in different ethnic groups and different indigenous societies. In the news production process, gender issues influence indigenous anchors and reporters in interview and broadcasting perspectives. Furthermore, gender bias affects the ethnic images produced and presented in indigenous news. This research was carried out in order to understand what indigenous news professionals encounter when considering gender cultural space in the news production process and what gender issues are involved in indigenous media. Interviews were conducted with different indigenous ethnic news reporters and anchors in indigenous television news. The research revealed ways gender factors influenced news production in different ethnic groups. It identifies key gender issues and also provides suggestions to facilitate indigenous news production that embraces both gender awareness and multicultural gender images.


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Ciwang Teyra、黃炤愷、謝宛蓉(2021)。只想好好地生活:原住民同志之交織處境與因應策略臺大社會工作學刊(43),1-53。https://doi.org/10.6171/ntuswr.202106_(43).0001
