  • 期刊


Living out Indigenous Dreams: Subjectivities of Indigenous Women in the TV series "Spi' Forward: Tribal Dreamers"




This paper utilizes subaltern studies as an approach to investigate current research on subjectivities of Taiwan indigenous women. This research focuses on experiences of twelve indigenous women activists who engaged in cultural revitalization, presented in the Taiwan Indigenous TV's series "Spi' Forward: Tribal Dreamers." Six themes emerge to describe their subaltern subjectivities. They include: "Remembering the warm memories of childhood," "Consulting elders to reconstruct cultural space," "Resonating collective cultural wisdom," "Restoring the relationship between peoples and the land," "Becoming traditional leaders and shamans," and "Transmitting and promoting cultures". I further explore how their actions and subjectivities present a postcolonial critique of Western feminism. I employ the concept of "indigeneity" to challenge western feminist writing and theorizing of indigenous women, especially the dichotomies of 'race and gender' and ‘tradition and modernity'. I argue that actions of indigenous women merge the past, the present and the future. They preserve the fading collective cultural consciousness of indigenous peoples through everyday life in modern times, transforming current gender relations, living out alternative and liberating lifestyles, and leading to a better future. I argue that the active resistance of the indigenous women as subaltern subjects in "Spi' Forward: Tribal Dreamers" is to practice "indigeneity", to live out indigenous dreams, and to practice decolonial feminism!


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