  • 期刊


A briefing research studying the phenomenon why Taiwan students pursue for Chinese medicine college degrees in Mainland China



大陸自改革開放以來,中醫藥得到了很大的發展,到目前為止,全國有中醫醫院 2,600多所,病床27萬張,高等中醫藥院校32所,在校學生10萬多人,中等中醫藥學校近50所,一些西醫院校和綜合大學也設立了中醫藥專業。大陸地區高等學校早期並未招收台灣留學生的計畫與率備,至1978年中共教育部才開始進行招收港澳台留學生的工作,最初是以研究生為主,自1985年開展大學本科的招生任務,一直到1987年才透過正常管道招收了第一批台灣留學生。據中共教育委員會統計,目前在大陸念大學、研究所有正式學籍的台灣學生有四千多人,其中占最多數的是研習中醫。本研究蒐集中華人民共和國國家中醫藥管理局及教育部等官方相關資料,並實地赴大陸高等中醫院校察訪,與台灣留學生座談並施以問春調查;結果顯示大陸高校招收台灣學生的方式及要求,在入學標準、學雜費用、免修政治課程及兼讀制研究生等各方面,與大陸本地生有所差別。而台灣學生考慮赴大陸求學的動機,有因自我的生涯規劃,就業市場導向,親友同學影響,個人興趣或家族淵源等。隨著兩岸加入WTO,國內中醫教育界勢必面臨來自中國大陸教育資源的競爭,大陸本身教育政策的鬆綁,將可能吸引更多台灣學生西進。本研究調查亦顯示,赴大陸求學,已由早期未在台灣考取理想學校所做情非得已的選擇,逐漸轉換成列入考慮的選擇之一,同時由原來選擇就讀研究所提早到大學階段;《中華人民共和國中醫藥條例》於2003年10月1日起正式施行,2003年9月25日,世界中醫藥學會聯合會成立,大陸就中醫藥專門立法及建立標準化規章,其對台灣中醫教育界造成的衝擊,值得持續關注其變化;而其運用針灸對於外國人特有的魅力,增設專業外語班,大力培養針炙外語人才,使針炙成為世界通行性醫學,藉針炙為媒介,積極聞拓國際中醫藥教育市場,使得加入WTO後,中醫藥教育成為教育輸出最有優勢的學科,作法值得我方參考。


The Chinese medicine and pharmaceutics has developed greatly as Mainland China's market opened. For the time being, in medical system, there are more than 2600 traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and 270 thousands beds. In educational system, there are 32 professional colleges with 100 thousands more students and almost 50 occupational schools. Even in general universities and western medical schools, there are additional departments for Chinese medicine. These Chinese medicine colleges have not accepted Taiwanese students until 1978, when the government decided to open for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao students but only for graduate level. As for college level, schools start enrollment activities in 1985 and have the first Taiwan students registered in 1987. According to government statistics, there are 4000 more lawful students from Taiwan, mostly studying Chinese medicine. This research gathers reference information from official institutions and launches fieldworks, focus groups surveys with Taiwan students. The findings show the differences between local students and Taiwan students in many aspects, such as admission criterion, tuition fee, waved political classes, part-time graduate programs etc. Besides, we find the motives of studying in mainland vary a lot, from self-career planning, employment market demand, peer influence, to personal interest or family expectations and so on. As both sides across strait join World Trade Organization (WTO), our Chinese medicine education system face more competition from Mainland China, which can attract more Taiwan students by deregulation policy. The research also finds that students pursue for mainland’s degree mostly because their choices, not because rejected by Taiwan's schools, which is common phenomenon in early years. Furthermore, more students start studying Chinese medicine from undergraduate period instead of graduate stages. Act of People Republic of China (PRC) Chinese medicine came into effect on is Oct, 2003 and World Union Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine held assembly 25th Sept. 2003. Now PRC government is enacting professional laws and standardizing practical rules, which cause impact on Taiwan’s education system and need to be watching closely. In addition, they make use of the craze of foreigners toward Chinese acupuncture and train them become acupuncture practitioners, which makes acupuncture a universal medical technique. Through the medium of acupuncture, the Chinese medicine becomes more popular and competitive exporting discipline after joining WTO, that offers good lessons for our education system.


