  • 期刊


Review of Articles about Chinese Herbs Paste to Acupoints Therapy for Children Asthma


根據行政院衛生署2007年全民健保醫療統計結果顯示在慢性肺部疾病門診就診率及住院人數當中,氣喘都佔前二名,另外文獻也指出,全世界大約有30億的人數受到氣喘所苦,雖然對於氣喘全世界都設法去治療或控制,但成效不如預期,反而有越來越嚴重的趨勢,所以,找尋一個更有效、省時、方便、無副作用、有預防成效的方法更重要。 本篇主要在探討應用中藥穴位貼敷來治療小兒哮喘,它是一個古老的方法,但至今仍還在使用,因此可知療效受到肯定,從所找到的文獻當中,可以知道中藥的選取需依病人的體質來分,且使用的穴位隨證型不同或時間不同也有所改變,尤其在緩解期,不但可以減少西藥的使用,也能減少西藥所帶來的副作用,所以中藥穴位貼敷在治療或預防哮喘上有很好的成效。 目的:欲從文獻中了解中藥穴位貼敷對小兒哮喘的療效和相關問題。 方法:西文文獻以「asthma」、「Chinese herb paste to acupoint」或「asthma」、「herbal medicine」作關鍵字聯集,使用「PubMed」查詢系統;中文文獻以篇名「哮喘」和「穴位貼敷」作聯集,搜尋「中國期刊全文數據庫」之隨機臨床試驗(RCT)及論述相關文獻。 結果:得到2篇2005年後西文對哮喘在中醫藥研究相關之文獻;中文部分,篩選6篇隨機臨床試驗相關文獻,3篇機理,1篇組穴規律。 結論:中醫認爲哮喘主要是由於及飲久伏,因爲外邪的侵犯人體而引動痰飲流竄,而導致哮喘委作,所以治療哮喘的主要原則說是“冬病夏治”,可藉由中藥貼敷的治療,透過體表穴位和體內臟腑之間經絡聯繫,來達到防治的目的。


穴位貼敷 哮喘


According to the Department of Health of Executive Yuan in 2007, all the people health insurance medical service statistics result discovered all data of asthma in chronic respiratory system disease people got to occupy the first or second. In addition, one issue also showed that there had been about 300 million people suffering from asthma all the world. Many people had tried to find ways to treat or control asthma but in vain. On the contrary, the trend had been worse. Therefore, how to find more effective, rapid, convenient, protecting ways without side effects is more important. The article mainly review the application Chinese herbs paste to acupoints therapy for children asthma. The treatment is an ancient way and is useful at present. Therefore, the effect has been confirmed. We know the selection for Chinese herbs depends on a patient's constitution from available journals, and these acupoints we will paste to change with different pattern or time. The treatment can not only reduce the use of drugs, but also reduce these side effects from drugs. To sum up, Chinese herbs paste to acupoints therapy for children asthma is effective in treatment or protection. Objective: In order to understand the effects and problems about Chinese herbs paste to acupoints therapy for children asthma from articles. Methods: The key words of ”asthma”, ”Chinese herb paste to acupoint” or ”asthma” combined with ”herbal medicine” was used to be searched in ”PubMed”. In addition, ”asthma” in the titles combined with ”Chinese herb paste to acupoint” was searched in Chinese data base. These articles contains introduction and randomized control trial. Result: There are two articles compatible with asthma in Chinese medicine in English. In Chinese, six articles compatible with randomized control trial, three articles compatible with mechanism, one article compatible with the rules for acupoints. Conclusion: Asthma mainly is caught from phlegm lodging in the deep of the body. When the external evils contract a patient's body, the phlegm will flow all over the body and cause asthma. Therefore, the main principle of treatment is based on the winter's disease treat in summer. We will achieve the aim of treatment and protection through the connection between the acupoins and viscera by Chinese herbs paste to acupoints.


