  • 期刊


Modern Laser Acupuncture Treatment of Children with Asthma in Clinical Trials Papers Discussion


近十年來,世界各國的氣喘盛行率都有上升的趨勢。除了一般臨床上常見的支氣管擴張劑、抗組織胺劑及吸入性類固醇用做治療外,中醫在治療兒童氣喘上,在中藥、針灸都有許多文獻及實驗研究,結果證實有其一定的療效。本篇是綜合討論雷射針灸對於治療兒童氣喘之臨床試驗。 目的:了解雷射針灸對於兒童氣喘的療效及其評估。 方法:搜尋Medline、中國期刊網等文獻系統,查閱相關文獻。 結果:獲得2篇臨床試驗文章。 結論:實驗組與對照組或安慰劑組之間並無明顯差異,不具有統計上意義,但第一篇文獻中實驗組的兒童呼吸道感染比率較低。


雷射針灸 氣喘 臨床試驗


Over the past decades, there is rising trend for prevalence of asthma around the world. In addition to the general common clinical bronchodilators, anti-histamine agents and inhaled corticosteroids used for treatment, there were a number of researches have proved the effect of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in children with asthma. This is a comprehensive discussion of laser acupuncture for treatment of asthma of children in clinical trial. Objective: To find out the laser acupuncture for children with asthma and to assess the efficacy. Methods: To search Medline, and CNKI Journal system, access to relevant paper. Results: Obtains two clinical trial articles. Conclusion: There was no significant difference and statistically significance between the experimental group and control group or placebo group. But in the first experimental paper, there was a group of children with lower respiratory tract infection rate.


laser acupuncture asthma clinical trial
