  • 期刊


The Education and Examination System of Chinese Medicine Education in Canada


加拿大是目前世界上土地最大的國家,但總人口只有3千萬人,語言是英語及法語,有10省和2個管轄區。加拿大中醫教育及考試制度,目前有立法管理須要考試執照的有4個省,BC、Ontario、Alberta及Quebec。 加拿大中醫教育及考試制度從卑詩省開始,1996年首先正式成立「中醫針灸管理局」(CTCM)爲政府立法成立中醫藥專門監理機構。在1999年正式發放針灸師執照。2003年發放中藥師及中醫師執照。2005年發放註冊高級中醫師執照。這是非亞洲地區,尤其英國協國家對中醫醫療制度一大突破。 入學中醫學院至少要具備國內外大學二年級以上學歷,並在中醫學院至少學習3年以上的課程及臨床(甚至有5年的學士後中醫藥學系課程),又加上嚴謹考試制度及中醫師註冊制度,加拿大對於中醫藥有建立教、考、用、法及管理完善的制度。




Canada is currently the largest country in the world, with only a population of 30 million. The official language is English and French. It comprises 10 provinces and 2 territories. Currently, four provinces, BC, Ontario, Alberta and Quebec, require obtaining licenses to practice Chinese medicine. The education and examination system of Chinese medicine education in Canada began from BC in 1996. The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CTCM) was established to supervise the usage of Chinese medicine. License for Registered Acupuncturist (R. Ac.) began in 1999. License for Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist (R. TCM.H.) and Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R. TCM.P.) began in 2003. License for Registered Dr. Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM) began in 2005. This was a major breakthrough in Non-asian areas, especially for the British Commonwealth. Entering a College of Chinese medicine in Canada requires a minimum of 2 years of college education. Afterwards, at least 3 years of curriculum and clinical courses are required. There are even a 5-year post-baccalaureate program available. And, finally, a practical examination and registration system upon graduation. Canada had established a complete system for Chinese medicine in education, examination, practice, regulation, and management.


