  • 期刊

電針治療椎板切除後症候群 病例報告

A Case Report of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Treated with Electroacupuncture


脊椎手術失敗症候群(Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, FBSS)指的是曾經接受過腰背部手術,但是疼痛狀況並無改善或是又再次為腰背疼痛所困擾,不論有無坐骨神經症狀的一群人。案例為一位74歲男性,於10年前始反覆下背痛,偶發麻感到大腿後或外側,無經治療。因突發間歇無力且頻尿就診神經外科,初次腰椎術後復健歷時一年半,而漸恢復行走,但因無力復發,又再次腰椎開刀,術後背痛無法緩解,而再施胸椎手術。患者於4年內脊椎手術共3次,因術後背痛無法緩解而就診中醫,施與電針治療,配合現代復健治療,治療一年仍疼痛反覆,於改變電針方式後較有明顯改善。藉此病例報告以提出治療經驗,供臨床上參考運用。


Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a chronic pain condition describing persistent or re-current low back pain with or without sciatica after one or more spinal surgery that has great impact on both healthy care system and patient's life quality. We illustrated a 70-year-old male with recur-rent low back pain and numberness which radiated to the back and lateral parts of the thigh without any medical treatment for 10 years, and he accepted spinal surgeries 3 times within 4 years. After rehabilitation after first surgery, he recovered. However, lower limbs weakness happened again, and he underwent another surgery, but post-surgery rehabilitation didn't improve, so he came to our department for help. After we changed the way we used electroacupuncture, the back pain reduced obviously. We demonstrated the experience in this case report for clinical reference and application.


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