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Differential Diagnosis and Acupuncture Therapy of Low Back Pain




下背痛 鑑別診斷 針刺治療


Low back pain is a common problem nowadays. It is classified into two categories: specific and non-specific. There are many etiologies causing low back pain. Some of them are emergent and should be firstly excluded by history taking and physical exam in the clinic. Acupuncture has been used to treat low back pain for a long time. According to Chinese medical literature, low back pain is assigned to lumbago. The differential diagnosis and treatment of lumbago are recorded in the Huangdi neijing. On the basis of what described in the Huangdi neijing, the characteristic and needled points of the three yang meridians of the foot, the three yin meridians of the foot and the eight extra meridians are used to indicated certain acupoints by ancient doctors. In recent years, the efficacy of acupuncture applied in low back pain is investigated and confirmed. Besides, other therapeutic theories such as holography rule of acupoints and ear points are established gradually. The evident efficacy of these new therapy theories are also confirmed in many researches.


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