  • 期刊


Acupuncture as an Adjuvant Therapy for Left Knee Pain: a Case Report




膝疼痛 髂脛束症候群 復健 針灸


A 38-years-old female with a falling down accident during her work 5 years ago, began to experience increasing soreness, pain, and swelling in her left knee joint during consecutive rainy days. The discomfort was exacerbated after standing for a long time at work. She visited the western medicine's departments of orthopedics, rehabilitation, and occupational medicine, but no obvious abnormality was found. She had taken analgesic drugs, patches and physical therapy for 3 months; However, there were no significant improvement so she visit the acupuncture clinic for help. After one week acupuncture treatment, she was able to walk approximately 300 steps per day at home. She returned to work after the swelling of her knee joint gradually alleviated by two weeks. The mobility of her joint increased, and the soreness and pain gradually decreased after two months. After four months treatments, the knee pain eventually decreased, and the progress of symptoms and overall recovery showed good results. Acupuncture could reduce the patient's knee swelling and pain effectively. It was a low-risk, safe, stable, and highly accepted adjuvant treatment in clinical practice for treating patients' knee pain and increasing quality of life.


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