  • 期刊


A Study of Relationships among Advertisement and Persuasive Effects of the Resisted Product




We live in a world that information appears so quick, people receive much more new information everyday than the past. It makes consumers develop a schema of their own, when they realize that they're under persuasion, it automatically triggers the schema of advertising and make advertisement hard to persuade them. How to lead people to persuasion without letting them know is an obstacle advertising is facing. We choose the volunteer of church to represent the product(or service) that people often resist easily. And to reduce the resistance of consumers, we used narrative transportation(Green & Brock 2000) to lead them into persuasion by telling stories. We also put two different forms of expression in the experiment(animation and real actor), to see if this helps to draw consumers into the story and transport them into the characters which leads to improve their attitude toward the product or service. Results came out that the role of transportation was the main reason of the attitude changing, when one is more transported into the character, the more they will be persuade; And the role of transportation is influenced by one's need for cognition, if one is more into thinking, it is more possible to be transport into the story. This proved that narrative transportion is more affective to those who have higher need for congnition. To be transported, you must frist watch the video with certain concentration. However, it also appears that people who have low need for cognition can be transport when they watch the same video in animation version. Animation can also help people to concentrate on the video and influence attitude changing in a certain level.


