  • 期刊


The Study on Ecosystem Services and Ecological Protection in the Habitat of Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa Chinensis)


近年來,台灣西部海域因工業開發的頻繁,導致生活在該海域的中華白海豚,其生存環境遭受破壞等。為了保護中華白海豚的生存環境,我國農業委員會林務局已於2014年4月21日預告了「中華白海豚重要棲息環境範圍」。然而,目前仍有部分單位對該野生動物重要棲息環境之劃設邊界有疑義,因此至今尚未正式公告。目前已有許多國家針對海洋保護區之生態系統服務提出評估與分析。故本研究應用2005年聯合國發布的「千禧年生態系統評估」(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MEA)報告書歸納出生態系統四大服務之定義與功能,並以中華白海豚目前受到之威脅及其棲地周邊環境特性,分析中華白海豚重要棲息環境提供之生態系統服務,包括文化服務(休閒旅遊、教育知識)、供給服務(糧食供應、基因資源)、調節服務(廢棄物處理)及支撐服務(生物棲息地),期藉本研究探討「中華白海豚重要棲息環境範圍」之正式公告是否有其迫切性。


In recent years, the western waters of Taiwan have been destroyed by industrial over development where are the waters Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis) lives. In order to protect the habitat of Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis), the Committee of Agriculture Forest Service Bureau had an advanced notice about "the area of habitat hotspot of Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis)" on April 21, 2014. However, some organizations did not announce officially due to the concerns on boundary designating. There are many countries have evaluated and analyzed the ecosystem services of marine protected area. In this study, we based on United Nations of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) in 2005 which defined and classified the ecosystem services to analyze ecosystem services within the area of habitat hotspot of Chinese white dolphin. In the results, we find that the ecosystem service of habitat hotspot, including culture services (leisure and educational knowledge), provisioning services (food supply and genetic resources), regulating services (waste treatment) and supporting services (habitat). We would like to consider the essentiality that "the area of habitat hotspot of Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis)" can be announced officially as soon as possible.


徐惠群(2017)。苗栗地區石虎棲地之里山生態環境效益評估 -從非市場財到市場財〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201816102746
