  • 期刊


Teaching Career Planning in the Course of Introduction of Psychology



本文探討如何在普通心理學教學中加入生涯規劃,以促使學生重新思考讀大學之目地,並掌握大學求學的歷程,以便籌畫未來的事業與生活。 本篇介紹三個生涯規劃相關的理論:包括艾瑞克森的心理社會階段理論、舒伯的生涯發展論、與何倫的類型論。其中艾瑞克森的心理社會階段理論與舒伯的生涯發展論皆以全人生發展為主軸,而以生理年齡劃分人生的幾個重要發展階段。艾瑞克森強調的是人生發展階段中的心理危機,與適應良好的情形,而舒伯則以為工作乃人生最重要的事,從青少年期起,所有的活動目標即是準備進入職場。何倫的類型論則將人格與職業類型配對,認為此二者適配性最高者,較能滿意所選擇的工作。 綜合上述的三個理論,生涯規劃可概括六個層面:1.自我概念:包括性格、性向、能力、興趣等;2.職業概念:包括對職業的期望、對薪水的要求、工作地點、福利等;3.培養親密關係:包括與親人的關係、戀愛與婚姻、生兒育女;4.理財規劃:對錢財的觀念、理財的觀念等;5.生活方式:喜歡的生活型態等;6.社會的責任:利他主義vs.自利主義。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the implementation of career planning in the Introduction of Psychology course. It is hoped that through the teaching-learning process, students may reconsider their goals of pursuing a college degree and accordingly, coordinate their lifestyle in order to better prepare for their future careers. This article introduces three major theories regarding career planning: Erickson's psychosocial stages, Super's Career development, and Holland's typology. Both Erickson's theory and Super's main structure are based on the entire lifespan of humans, which are divided into several critical development stages. Erickson emphasized each psychological crisis at eight developmental stages in which the well-being of humans is compared to the disadvantage factors. Super deemed that one's job was the most important matter in one's life and therefore, all goals would focus on the preparation of entering job market since adolescence. Holland's typology, in comparison with Super's career development, tried to match personality and certain occupation to one's success. His correlation was that the person with the most suitable match would be the most satisfied with the chosen job. Accordingly, the author concluded t0hat six aspects should be covered whenteaching this topic: 1. The concept of self; 2. The concept of job; 3. close relationships; 4. Financial management; 5. Life styles; and 6. social obligations. To help students realize that their future rests in their own hands, teachers may design several class activities to allow students to clarify concerned issues before planning their careers.
