  • 期刊


The Creative Culture Industry Developing Possibility Transiting from Traditional Technical Art-For the Development of Making Bulrush Technical Art in Yuanli Township of Taiwan as an Example


台灣藺編的起源可溯及距今一百八十多年前,由平埔族婦女以野生藺草編製席地而坐所舖用之草蓆。因透氣性與吸水性極佳,爾後漢人也進而學習種植藺草與編製草蓆,更有茶貨打包袋、手套、坐墊以及編花草蓆等創新製品的開發。至日治時代,苑裡地區所製作的藺草帽蓆製品限定全數銷往日本本土,並佔台灣特產出口的第三位,僅次於糖和米,其質之精良與量之膨大可見一般。光復初期,藺編主要市場由日本擴及中國大城市,繁榮盛況持續至1949年前後,便逐步落入下坡階段。特別是1970年代以降,因塑膠原料的大量使用與代工業的異軍突起,藺編面臨前所未有的窘境,加速走向衰退凋零之途。 1994年起,文建會著手推動社區總體營造計畫,2003年起更獎勵推行文化創意產業,苑裡藺編工藝便在這兩大旗幟的揮動下,重新擄獲執政者的矚目,也喚醒了當地居民的關注與熱情,以山腳社區的編藺坊為核心,推展培訓以及地方特色產品開發的工作。然而不可諱言的,失去舞台的藺編產業依舊在快速沒落中,而藝術性與創意性能量的提升更是當前必須正視、超越的課題。本論文將由變遷史的回顧出發,檢視當前社區總體營造與文化創意產業制度下苑裡藺編工藝的現況,進而參照日本傳統工藝的發展經驗,重新思考、探尋苑裡藺編工藝再次突破的可能性。


The original history of making bulrush products starts about 180 years ago, women of Ping-Pu tribe use the wild bulrush to make the mat which was taken as a straw mat for sitting on the ground. Because the Hans realize the advantages of bulrush that are permeability and absorption of water, so they start learning how to plant the bulrush and make a mat. Furthermore, they put their energy on inventing new bulrush products such as packaged bags for tea, gloves, mats and caps in that time. All the Yuanli's bulrush productions are stipulated exporting to Japan since Taiwan is a colony of Japan, and it is also the third rank of Taiwan's specialty export next to rice and sugar. From this point of view, the quality and exporting amount of bulrush are bigger and better in that time. In the period of shaping of the first land reform in Taiwan, the major market of making bulrush products from Japan extend to the major cities of China, the prosperous situation last till the year of 1949. After 1949, the market of making bulrush is not as prosperous as before. The condition of making bulrush confront the biggest challenge in the 1970s as the using rate of plastic was increasing and the Business of Original Equipment Manufacturers appeared. Meanwhile as this sake, the industry of making bulrush was increasing the speed of wilt and decline. Since 1994, Council for Cultural Affairs of Taiwan starts to advance the projects of Community Empowerment, and the government starts to reward the people who have willing to popularise the Cultural Creative Industries. The industry of bulrush making restarts to attract the government and domestic citizens' attention and passion after popularise those two plans. For the making bulrush shop of Shan-Chiao community as a core and popularise training and invent the new products which own that area's feature. Unfortunately, the industry of bulrush making still degenerates as it lost its stage; however, the power improvement of artistry and creativity should be taken seriously nowadays. This dissertation will start from reviewing the change of bulrush making business and viewing the present bulrush making technical art's condition in Yuanli under the systems of Community Development and Cultural Creative Industry. To figure out the possibility for the bulrush making technical art's improvement after referencing the Japanese tradition technical art development experiences.


