  • 期刊


The Recognition and Attitude of Cancer Patients and their Families on Do-not-resuscitate




癌症 病患 家屬 不予急救 心肺復甦術


This paper discussed the origin of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and its social impact through literature review. First, the paper reviewed the outcomes of resuscitation on cancer patients, and found the ratio of patients that could be discharged from the hospital after the resuscitation is 0%-10.5%. Then, the paper discussed several issues, including the necessity and legitimacy of the resuscitation in the reality, the Natural Death Acts (NDA) and Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA) in the U.S., the Stipulation of Palliative Care Acts in Taiwan, and the reflection of the social urge in those acts. Lastly, the viewpoints of the cancer patients and their families on resuscitation were reviewed. Their definition of do-not-resuscitate is not saving the patient's life when the heartbeat stops. Death is the destiny of everyone, and the attitude toward resuscitation is heavily influenced by the cultural context. The patients expressed fear when discussing about resuscitation, yet they admitted that such discussion allows them to have time to prepare for death. Our literature review showed that researches in Taiwan rarely used patients as the subjects. Most research methods are oriented toward quantitative positivism. It is suggested that future studies should probe into the thoughts of the party involved, and incorporate qualitative methodology on this complicated social phenomenon.


