  • 期刊


Nursing Experience Applied to a Spinal Astrocytoma Patient with Postoperative Rehabilitation


本文探討一位中年女性患者罹患低階脊髓星狀細胞瘤(Spinal Astrocytoma)術後復健之護理經驗。筆者於2008年12月27日至2009年01月28日,期間透過會談、觀察、身體檢查與評估等技巧收集資料。運用整體性評估,確立個案有:身體活動功能障礙、現存性皮膚完整性受損、無望感等護理問題。護理過程中運用主動關懷、同理心與個案建立良好護病關係。擬定適切之復健計畫如:增強四肢肌力及活動功能;教導新照顧者預防壓瘡之方法及照顧技巧;鼓勵個案表達心中感受,使其情緒有所宣洩;安排院內基督教團契輔導個案,藉由宗教信仰讓個案心靈有所寄託改善無望感,協助個案度過術後復健期間所面臨生理、心理各方面的衝擊。陪伴與傾聽可以紓解心理之壓力,良好之支持系統可以強化意志,宗教信仰可讓心靈得到寄託並尋求希望繼而得到力量。期望藉由此經驗能提醒護理人員除重視疾病之照護外,更能重視心靈照顧並適時給予協助。


星狀細胞瘤 復健 護理經驗


This article studies the nursing experience as it relates to a middle-aged woman with low risk of Spinal Astrocytoma, undergoing postoperative rehabilitation. During the treatment period from December 27, 2008 through January 28, 2009, the author collected information by using techniques of interview, observation, physical examination, and subjective assessment. It is observed that the patient has experienced physical disability, skin integrity of existing impairment, and feeling of hopelessness. The rehabilitation program emphasizes caring outreach to patient with empathy, as well as the development of rapport between patient and nurse. Effective rehabilitation approach involves therapy to enhance limb muscle strength and mobility, education of new caregivers on skills of bed sore prevention and care, encouraging patient to express his/her inner feelings, arranging counseling sessions with hospital on-premise Christian Fellowship. The spiritual support, such as companionship and quality listening helps patient alleviate her feeling of hopelessness, and sustains her through difficult moments of physiological and psychological challenges. It also strengthens the patient by the power of faith and hope. This important aspect of spiritual support should be emphasized to the nursing staff, in their administration of rehabilitation care.


