  • 期刊


The Experience of Nursing Care for a Colorectal Cancer Patient to Cope With Fatigue During Outpatient Chemotherapy


本文探討一位女性病人初次罹患大腸直腸癌(colorectal cancer)於門診接受化學治療(chemotherapy,以下簡稱化療)之護理過程,運用Gordon十一項健康功能型態進行整體性評估,確立其健康問題包括:潛在危險性感染、焦慮、疲憊。於2009年2月12日至2009年7月23日門診化療及居家照護期間,透過觀察行為反應、電訪、書面及口頭指導,適時提供情緒支持、疾病資訊、感染預防、日常活動能量保存及有氧運動訓練等措施,增強個案對化學治療及其副作用相關知識,以增加對疾病與治療的控制感,並降低活動中能量之耗損,提高身體耐受度及促進血液循環,改善疲憊程度及疲憊感,減輕焦慮的心情,以提升病人的生活品質。期望藉由此篇個案報告之護理經驗提供護理人員照護此類病人之參考。


大腸直腸癌 化學治療 疲憊


This article described the nursing process for a female patient who was first diagnosed colorectal cancer, and had to receive chemotherapy at outpatient department from February 12 to July 23 in 2009. Based on the health assessment of Gordon's functional health patterns, the patient's health problems were identified as: infection, potential risk for; anxiety and fatigue. During the period of receiving chemotherapy and home care, we observed the patient behavioral responses, offered telephone interview, nursing education, emotional support, and disease information, provided interventions to prevent infection and conserve energy, and trained the patient to do aerobic exercise. Through these interventions, we enhanced the patient's knowledge on chemotherapy and the related side effects, and improved her physical tolerance and blood circulation. In addition, we also reduced the patient's energy consumption, fatigue, and anxiety, and finally promoted her life quality. The nursing experiences in this article are expected to be a reference for nursing staff working in the oncology unit in taking care of the patients with colorectal cancer.


colorectal cancer chemotherapy fatigue


