  • 期刊


A Terminal Stage Patient Suffering from Pancreatic Cancer, the Impact of the Care Experience of Facing Death




Terminal cancer patients in the face of impacts from death often experience anxiety, fear, and other negative emotions. Struggling with the unknown of prognosis and possibly approaching death, the terminal cancer patients require more support from their family, friends, and health care teams to help them move forward with a positive outlook on the end of life. In this paper, the author shares the nursing experience of a terminally ill patient dealing with the impacts of death threat from pancreatic cancer for the period of February 20, 2013 to March 26, 2013. Author used the Five-stage of Grief Model presented by Kubler - Ross to assess the patient. Through in-depth talks, observation, and inspection records, etc., as well as analysis of the information gathered while assisting the patient and family members to face the death, author reached a conclusion that the patient had, 1) depression related to discomfort from terminal cancer and worsened tumor suppression, 2) death anxiety from facing the end of life and the recurring symptoms, and 3) anticipatory grief caused by the anticipated separation from family and other psychiatric issues such as sadness and guilt. Author showed caring, offered companionship, and listened to patient expressing the needs and feelings as ways to provide individualized support, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, and other care measures in order to promote positive attitude in patient, reduce psychological anxiety and impact from facing death. The patient felt calmed and at peace before discharge and was ready and positive about the facts of death. It's common to see in clinical care that many terminal cancer patients, while struggling with death, miss out on the opportunity for a proper farewell to loved ones and family, or fail to do the hospice planning or final arrangements. Author hopes this report can help clinical staff provide professional assistance to terminal cancer patients and their families in facing the impact from death so they can adjust and subsequently plan for hospice in order to live in the moment while preparing for death.


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