  • 期刊


Infusion Reactions to Anti-cancer Monoclonal Antibodies Therapy




Monoclonal antibodies represent a significant addition to therapeutic targets in human malignancies. Many of the agents share the risk of infusion reactions, most of which occur with the first dose. The majority of the reactions are mild or moderate and not life threatening, but severe ones could be fatal if not managed appropriately. The most common signs and symptoms of infusion reactions are fever, shaking chills, itching, alterations in blood pressure, chest discomfort and diarrhea. The serious reactions, such as angioedema, chest tightness, tachycardia, loss of consciousness, and abdominal cramping are mostly associated with the rate of infusion and patient disease. Better understanding of the infusion reactions and the general principles of prevention, treatment and monitoring of individual monoclonal antibodies can minimize the risks of infusion reactions and enhance medication safety.


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