  • 期刊


The Promotion of Cancer Patient Navigator Program in Case Management to Increase the Seeking Medical Advice after Diagnosis - A Research at National Cheng Kung University Hospital




This paper discusses how NCKU hospital improves the medical interventions for patients with newly diagnosed cancer through years of implementing the case management model. The features of current case management model are: 1. early establishment of good communication with and trust from cancer patients in the initial diagnosis period, 2. sure delivery of persistent and comprehensive health care management via the teamwork of case navigator program, and 3. other treatment options, continuous supports, and follow-up for patients refusing the treatment,. According to the literature, timely cancer treatment in earlier diagnosis period is positively correlated to improved recovery rate. Utilizing the teamwork to manage both the new diagnosis period and initial dramatic changes of disease in cancer patients and to build the communication model and mutual trust while maintaining the clinical relations with patients through continuous supply of information and encouragement has always been the direction the case management strives for. As a result, the rate of medical treatment refusal for patients with 3-month newly diagnosed cancer has been lowered from 3.96% to 0.25%. We share the unique features of case management model with hopes that it could be used as reference by other medical organizations.


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