  • 期刊


A Project to Reduce the Rate of Colostomy Pouch Leakage in Postoperative Colorectal Cancer Patients




大腸直腸癌 造口袋 滲漏率


Approximately 30% of colorectal cancer patients received indwelling colostomy surgery which caused unpleasant interruptions in their life. It is very important to provide good post-op colostomy nursing care for colorectal cancer patients. The authors conducted a survey and saw a result of pouch leakage rate at 37.5% (12/32). The reasons are as follows: the use of the corset belt makes it difficulty in assessing the leakage amount in colostomy pouch, infrequent cleaning, unsuitable diameter of colostomy pouch, skills of colostomy cleansing, and the low level of awareness in family caregivers at 76.9%. After analyzing the procedures, the proposed project of improvement included: (1) building guidelines for colostomy care; (2) making instruction flow chart for cleaning and making colostomy pouch; (3) developing modified corset belt of colostomy; and (4) creating the operating manual for corset belt of colostomy pouch. After the implementation of the improvement project, 32 family caregivers were assessed between November 8, 2014 and January 23, 2015. The results showed that (1) family caregivers' awareness of colostomy care had improved from 76.9% to 98.1%; (2) the leakage rate of colostomy had improved from 37.5% to 6.2% which reached the project goal. The project can significantly improve the leakage of colostomy and improve the quality of life for colorectal cancer patients.


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