  • 期刊


Nursing Care for Advanced Breast Cancer Female Patient with Fungating Wound Pain




Female breast cancer patients with worsening disease course and pain associated with fungating wound often develop psychological and spiritual issues. This paper describes a nurse's experience of caring for a women with advanced breast cancer. From March 2 to April 30 of 2016, the first author collected data through observation, interviews and physical examination to identify the patient's health problems which are chronic pain, body image disturbance and anticipatory grief. The first author provided nursing interventions by offering patient education on pain control skills, body massage and music to help patient relieve pain and improve sleep quality; author also used the appropriate dressing selection and tea tree oil to improve wound odor and assist patient to face the body image disturbance. The constant support from the medical team through listening to the patient's thoughts helped reduce patient's and her daughter's grief and then accept the dying process and hospice. This paper recommends that nurses can work with the palliative care team so that the terminal cancer patients can have better quality of care in their final days.


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