  • 期刊


The Experiences and Outcomes of Promoting Cancer Painless College at a Medical Center




Pain assessment and management have already been an integral part of the hospital evaluation criteria of many countries worldwide for many years, and in 2018, pain care also became an item assessed as part of the health care and treatment quality certification process in Taiwan. Pain control plays an important role in the management of cancer patients. Our hospital is a medical center located in southern Taiwan that is currently attempting to establish a "pain management college," with the aim of raising its medical and nursing quality. The mission and objectives of this college are to improve the effectiveness of pain education; train pain management experts; and to improve the quality of pain control. Guided by this mission and these goals, our efforts to develop the pain management college have achieved initial success and allowed for the accumulation of experience. Going forward, the pain management college's development will focus on the implementation of clinical practices and systems, the continuation of clinical research and pain education, and improvements with regard to smart care. This study shares the experiences and results pertaining to the establishment of a medical college of cancer pain management, which can be used as a reference for other hospitals, community healthcare institutions, and educational institutions. It is hoped that the study will contribute to the implementation of national policies, improvements to the country's quality of medical care, and the fulfillment of the hospital's social responsibilities.


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