  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience for a Patient with Positive Colorectal Cancer Screening




This case report discusses the application of trans-theoretical model in the nursing care for a patient with positive colorectal cancer screening. The caring period was from November 30, 2015 to December 28, 2015, with a follow-up to June 30, 2016. The Gordon' eleven-functional assessment was used to assess nursing through holistic assessment, observation, and interviews. The nursing problems identified were insufficient knowledge on colorectal cancer screening, low-fiber diet related constipation, and anxiety during diagnosis. Nursing interventions included telephone interview and educational materials to help understand the different behavior stages, apply different strategies, provide the patient with colorectal cancer information, discuss diet plan, improve bowel movement, clarify misconceptions and palliative anxiety. Through the patient-centered holistic care approach, the author was able to help the patient make the desirable behavioral change. This experience could provide other nurses with a reference for future care of similar patients.


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