  • 期刊


Health-related Quality of Life in Pancreatic Cancer Patients


對癌症病人而言,生活品質受損是重要的議題。本研究藉由生活品質測量,探討胰臟癌病人基本特性與生活品質之相關,並分析症狀困擾對生活品質之影響,以了解醫療及照護成效。研究對象為診斷胰臟癌的病人,採立意取樣,於台灣北部某醫學中心胃腸肝膽科病房進行收案,於2017年1月到10月共60名個案,資料收集包含肝膽癌治療功能評估量表(FACT-Hep)及歐洲五面向生活品質量表(EQ-5D)生活品質量表,採用SPSS 20版進行分析。研究結果胰臟癌病人FACT-Hep平均96.72 ±22.92,在FACT-G平均得分依序為,「社交/家庭健全狀況」18.56 ± 5.02、「情緒穩定狀況」14.53 ± 5.55、「生理健康狀況」14.02 ± 6.71、「功能健全狀況」10.92 ± 5.76,顯示胰臟癌病人受到疾病對社交及家庭健全之生活品質影響較少,但生理及功能健全方面影響最多,EQ-5D_(index)為0.60 ± 0.27,病人對自我健康狀態EQ-5D_(VAS)平均55.78± 19.32,顯示生活品質普遍不佳,最常發生的症狀依序為胃口不好、不能從事平常做的活動、體重逐漸下降、感到疲憊等,白蛋白高低與生活品質項目呈正相關,故改善胰臟病人營養不良情況扮演重要角色,研究結果做為未來臨床照護準則及參考。


Impaired quality of life is an important issue for patients diagnosed with malignancies. This study aimed to investigate the association between patient characteristics and health-related quality of life in patients with pancreatic cancer. In addition, patients' subjective discomfort and its impact on health-related quality of life was evaluated. Purposive sampling was conducted in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology ward of a northern Taiwan medical center from January to October 2017. Eligible subjects (N = 60) were patients with pancreatic cancer and hospital admission. Health-related quality of life was measured by FACT-Hep and EQ-5D questionnaire and further analyzed by SPSS 20 software. The mean score of FACT-Hep was 96.72 ± 22.92, ranged from 51 to 156, indicating moderately impaired quality of life among patients with pancreatic cancer. Mean scores of each FACT-Hep sub-scale were listed by rank as follows: "social and family well-being (18.56 ± 5.02)", "emotional well-being (14.53 ± 5.55)", "physical well-being (14.02 ± 6.71)", and "functional well-being (10.92 ± 5.76)," indicating that patients with pancreatic cancer had more severe impairment in functional and physical aspects and less impact on social and family interactions. The average EQ-5D_(index) was 0.60 ± 0.27 (range: -0.11 to 1) and the mean score EQ-5D_(vas) was 55.78 ± 19.32 (range: 10 to 90), indicating the poor quality of life among pancreatic cancer patients. Symptoms reported by the majority of patients were poor appetite, physical inability for daily living activities, gradual decline of body weights, and fatigue. The level of serum albumin was positively associated with health-related quality of life, indicating the importance of nutrition for pancreatic cancer patients. Findings from the current study could provide evidences for future clinical guidelines.


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