  • 期刊


Clinical Practice Guideline on Neutropenia in Cancer Patients Third Edition




Neutropenia, an unusually low level of white blood cells, is a common complication in oncology patients after receiving anti-cancer therapy. It increases the risk of infection and mortality, which inevitably burdens the medical resources. It's been more than ten years since the Taiwan Oncology Nursing Society published the "Clinical Practice Guideline on Neutropenia in Cancer Patient Care" in 2011. The revision of this guideline is warranted and deemed important in order to remain updated on the clinical medical research and the advances in the medical development. The levels of infection risks are classified into three areas (low, medium, and high risks) based on the literature and national guidelines. Accordingly, preventive care, inpatient treatment, and nursing interventions have been developed for each level. The inpatient treatments include not only the preventive medications but also inpatient care. The nursing interventions follow six principles to address the hand hygiene, standard protective equipment, the care environment, visitor rules, dietary guidelines , personal hygiene, and precautions regarding home pets. The standard care for high-risk hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients carries stricter clinical demands than that for the general oncology patients. Furthermore, the newly revised guideline also provides new information for the COVID-19 vaccination issues in the oncology patient. We anticipate this guideline will improve the quality of care and clinical practice for nurses who work with cancer patients.


cancer anti-cancer therapy neutropenia infection guideline


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