  • 期刊


The Protection for Victims Regarding the Thought of Human Right in Tang Code


中國法制之史,淵遠流長,屬於世界五大法系之一,中華法系均占有一席不可輕忽之地位。而唐律在吾國法制史的發展上,則居於承先啟後之重要地位,是以研究法制史之學者,對於唐律及唐代法制史之研究,一向不遺餘力。 通說以為中國古代法制保障的對象係以統治階級為主,一般升斗小民則否--本文認為事實並非如此。因而,本文試圖自唐律中的訴訟程序、刑事法規、民事法規等三個面向來檢討唐代對於一般「被害人」的保障。本文初步認為:由於中國古代法制的著重點首先是國家,其次是家族、社會,對於「被害人」個人的保護,卻是比較少見的;不過,即便如此,吾人自唐律中的規定,仍可略窺唐代對於保障「被害人」的權益所做之努力--諸如被害人有提起訴訟之權利,若對判決不服也可以提起上訴,甚至於透過「立肺石」、「撾登聞鼓」和「邀車駕」等非常救濟手段來爭取個人權益;在刑事法規上,「保辜」、「正當防衛」和「誣告反坐」,最能體現出唐律對於被害人的保護;在民事法規上,雖然無論婚姻、繼承、債權和物權等等規定,最後都是用刑罰來制裁,但在實質上對於被害人的保護,仍有其值得肯定的一面。


Chinese traditional legal system is one of world’s five legal systems and has a unique position in world's legal system. As is known to all, Tang Code was a representative work in the process of Chinese traditional legal system. In the history of Chinese legal systems, T'ang Law serves both as a converging and anticipating link in the process of development. Therefore, the scholars who focus on the study of the history of Chinese legal systems spare no efforts on studying T'ang Law and the history of T'ang legal systems. That is to say, to protect the ruling class is mainly purpose of Chinese traditional legal system. In this study, through analyzing three aspects in the Tang Code tries to find the regulations that relate to victims' protection for the common people. First is about contentious procedure, according to the Tang Code people can file a plaint at court and appeal against previous court decision if they had been treated unjustly. The rest of two aspects are through analyzing criminal code and civil code in the Tang Code to show how the regulations to protect victims' rights. It is worthy of going deep into all these historian questions.


王玲玲(2009)。比較住院病人與醫療人員對病人權利之看法 -----以臺北市立聯合醫院為例〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2009.00113
