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The Masses Phenomena and It's Cultural Meaning Dechristianization during the Period of the French Revolution


一七九二年爲法國大革命發展上的重要轉折點,此後,革命自溫和的改革,逐漸轉向激進的路線。「破除基督教」之運動是群衆在大革命發展中,最早出現但卻最晚熄㓕的激情。本文就以此—運動爲例,考察群衆現象及其文化意涵。 由初期的改革到國教運動的深化,「破除基督教」之運動先後可分成兩個階段。其間《教士法》的頒佈與教會財産世俗化的措施,基本上都可看成是,革命政府致力於紓解財政困難而做的改革。但自一七九二年四月後,革命政府在面臨對歐洲聯軍作戰及內戰的雙重壓力下,「破除基督教」之運動和屠殺有嫌疑的反革命份子,就成爲群衆自殺、懲罰及憤怒情緒的投射。另一方面,革命群衆也試圖藉革命崇拜儀式的重建,而將宗教信仰國家化,欲在建立的新社會中,賦予一種新的宗教形式,因此,在一七九三年年底,當破除基督教之運動達於高潮之際,由群衆所主導的大革命,似乎也不懂止於要推翻舊制度,還要更進一步向上帝宣戰,並徹底鏟除傅統的宗教權威。群眾,尤其是無套褲漢,在大革命深化的過程中,成功地扮演了推進的角色。這說明瞭群衆在通過革命的洗禮、累積民主實踐的經驗後,已然浮現了清晰的自覺、自主意識,而朝向特定的目標邁進。 「破除基督教」之運動,不但具體而微地見證了一個宗教俗世化、國家化的過程,另一方面,也如實地呈現了群衆經由社含運動員,所呈現出的張力,由此而印證了「歷史乃由上而下」的顴點。


”Dechristianization” is the earliest appearance and the latest end's emotion in the French Revolution. It usually was divided two parts from Reform of the Clergy which was promoted by the Constituent Assembly to the national religion endowed itself with symbols and a form of liturgy. The masses specially the Sans-culottes in Paris displayed a demonstrated role from 1792, 9 to 1794, 5. During the process of Dechristianization, the masses gradually produced the consciousness and worked for the specially purpose. They are the major power to promote the historical development in the French Revolution and their actions also prove the idea that the history is ”from above to bellow”. The establishment of revolution worship reflects the cultural meaning of secularization.
