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Crisis of the European Civilization and the Mission of the German Race-Analysis of Foundations of the Nineteenth Century from Houston Stewart Chamberlain


英籍作家張伯倫(Houston Stewart Chamberlain)於1899年出版的德文著作《十九世紀之基礎》(Die Grundlagen des XIX Jahrhunderts),甫上市,立即吸引德國讀者的注意,成為書籍市場的暢銷書,同時也引發德國社會持續數年的「張伯倫現象」(The Chamberlain case)。張伯倫在書中陳述基督新教對抗猶太教、日耳曼種族對抗猶太種族、正統歐洲文化反擊外來入侵的異質文化、新世界與新文明將排拒與清除老舊陳腐的世界與文明……等等極端對抗性的思想。他將這些原本個別的種族、宗教、文明論點整合,使之產生緊密的關連性,而且形容為不可迴避的生死對抗。這種極端的論點廣泛被德國各階層人士討論,德皇威康二世也深受吸引,成為張伯倫作品的忠實讀者。本論文主要探討張伯倫的寫作動機,分析其作品的特殊論點,並考察其論點的傳承性與影響。


After the publication of Foundations of the Nineteenth Century from the English writer Houston Stewart Chamberlain in 1899, it soon captured many Germans attention and became one of the best seller in Germany. Because of Chamberlain's extreme arguments about the antagonism between the Protestantism and the Jewish religion, the struggle of the German race for their existence and the elimination of the non-European culture for pure European civilization, aroused 'the Chamberlain case' in Germany for several years. ”In Foundations of the Nineteenth Century” contained the modem German racial theories, the ideology of the anti-Semitism and the ideas of construction of a Germanic religion. These topics were widely discussed by many Germans in the early twentieth century. Even the German Emperor Wilhelm II was attracted by Chamberlain's work. This research will explain Chamberlain's writing motive, analyze his argumentations and also try to point out the influences of his work afterwards.


Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.(Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Ungekürzte Volksausgabe (München: F. Bruckmann A.G., 1935)).
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.(Rasse und Persönlichkeit, Aufsätze von Houston Stewart Chamberlain (München: F. BruckmannA.G. 1925)).
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.(Brief und Briefwechsel mit Kaiser Wilhelm Ⅱ. Bd. I.: 1882-1915, Bd. Ⅱ: 1916-1924 (München: F. Bruckmann A.G. 1928)).
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.(Lebenswege-Meines Denkens (München: F. Bruckmann A. G. 1923)).
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.(Der Seher des Dritten Reiches. Das Vermächtnis Houston Stewart Chamberlains an das Deutsche Volk in einer Auslese aus semen Werken von Georg Schott (München: F. BruckmannA. G. 1939)).


