  • 期刊

A Study of Biblical Allusions in English Proverbs



本研究旨在追溯英文諺語中的聖經出處及探索來自聖經的諺語典故,並試圖了解這些諺語的真正內涵。本研究的大網歸納出下列五點: 一.在本研究中,共有三十九句英文諺語是來自聖經欽定本。在這些諺語中,有的曾在多處出現,尤其是主耶穌的訓誡,在四福音書中,屢見不鮮。 二.有些諺語是取其原意,摘錄成句。在這些諺語中,新舊約聖約各佔一半。 三.有些諺語是來自著名的聖經故事。「禁果最甜」是來自亞當夏娃偷吃禁果的故事。「又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草」是源自《出埃及記》所記載以色列人在埃及時被媽役的故事。「勿先扔第一塊石頭」敘述法利賽人把一名正在行淫的婦人帶到主耶穌面前,要試探主穌,好讓他們得到告他的把柄。 四.有些諺語是來自主耶穌的訓誡。這些訓誡包括:「你們願意人怎樣時你們,你們也要怎樣待人」,「你施捨的時候,不可叫左手知道右手所作的」,「一個人不能事奉兩個主」,「你們不要論斷人,免得你們被論斷」,以及「你們祈求,就給你們」。這些語重心長的話都成爲家喻戶曉的諺語。 五.有些諺語雖不是直接來自聖經,卻是根據聖經人物及其生平故事而來的。有關聖經人物的英文諺語爲數不少,最常見的有:”We are all Adam′s children but silk makes the differencf.”和”Every Pharaoh has his Moses.”等等。


登山寶訓 八福 刺棍 瑪門 聖靈


This paper is an attempt to trace the origins of English proverbs in the Bible, locate the Biblical allusions, and share with readers what the author understands from the Bible. For the sake of convenience the author tries to present his findings according to the following five classifications: First, a total of thirty-nine English proverbs are directly taken from the Authorized Version. These proverbs appear more than once in the New Testament, especially those concerning Jesus’ ethical teaching. Second, a total of forty-two proverbs are based upon the Bible, but they are quite different from the originals in words. Of all these proverbs, half of them come from the Old Testament, and half from the New Testament. Third, some proverbs are based upon the extract of the famous stories in the Bible. Fourth, some English proverbs are drawn from Jesus’ ethical teachings. Fifth, some proverbs concern the main characters in the Bible, such as Adam, Pharaoh, Moses, Judas, David, Peter, Samson, and Methuselah.


the Sermon in the Mount Beatitudes pricks Mammon Holy Spirit


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Comay, Joan.(1980).Who`s Who in the Bible.New York:Bonanza Books.
Fergusson, Rosalind. (ed)(1983).The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs.England:Penguin Books.
Flavell, Linda,Roger Flavell.( eds.)(1996).Dictionary of Proverbs and the Their Origins.London:Kyle Cathie Ltd..
Fulghum, Walter B.(1965).A Dictionary of Biblical Allusions in English Literature.New York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston.


Wang, C. C. (2005). 《愛德華三世》中的詭異意識 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.02123
