  • 期刊

Psychological Contract Violations and Employees' Work Behavior Reactions: The Moderating Effect of Job Opportunities



心理契約違反與員工工作行爲反應關係的研究大多忽視內部工作機會所造成的干擾效果,而僅將焦點放在外部工作機會的干擾效果。本研究主要在探討員工對於組織內部及組織外之工作機會高低的認知對其心理契約遭到違反的知覺及其工作行爲反應關係之影響性。本研究使用問卷調查法,以多變量分析法(MANOVA)及層級迴歸分析法(Hierarchical Regression Analysis)進行主要統計分析,並以桃園地區兩家企業之251位員工作爲研究樣本。主要研究結果包括:第一、員工對心理契約違反的認知和員工的離職意圖、抱怨行爲、及漠視行爲等工作反應顯著相關。由於本研究將忠誠行爲定義爲默默的完成本身的工作,若不考慮工作機會的影響,員工對心理契約違反的認知和員工是否忠誠於本身工作的行爲並無顯著關係。然而,高工作機會的員工(內、外部機會均然)則會在持續維持自我良好的工作紀錄的期望中表現較爲明顯對於本身工作的忠誠行爲。第二、員工的內外部工作機會對此關係的影響機制呈現相反的結果。外部機會似會腐蝕勞資關係,而內部機會則有修補勞資關係的功能。本研究的主要研究限制爲:本研究的樣本數及取樣過程可能限制研究的推廣性;本研究雖然使用事後因素分析法驗證資料的可用性,其資料的性質仍有可能受到共同方法偏差的影響。


There are many previous discussions about how employees perceive and react to PC violations with job alternatives as moderators. However, if the moderating effects differed according to the type of job alternatives is still unclear. The purpose of the study was to explore how employees' perceptions of internal/external alternative job opportunities played a role in the relationship between psychological contract (PC) violations and work behavior reactions. Using a questionnaire, the study surveyed 251 participants from two manufacturing companies in Taiwan. Two types of primary statistical techniques were used. First, a series of MANOVAs was conducted to determine participants' work behavior reaction patterns (loyalty, exit, neglect, and voice) through their perceptions of PC violations by the differences of alternative job opportunities. Second, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to test the moderating effects of alternative job opportunities on the relationship between PC violations and work behavior reactions. Two primary findings were reached. First, there were significant relationships between PC violations and some work behaviors including turnover intention, grumbling, and performance negligence. However, loyalty behaviors (defined as each individual quietly performing their own job) seemed not to be affected by PC violations without considering the situational variable (job opportunities). Employees with more alternative job opportunities, both externally and internally, exhibited higher loyalty behaviors to secure their career development chances. Second, while external job opportunities erode employment relationships, internal job opportunities ease the employment tension caused by PC violations. The relationships between PC violations and work behavior reactions were affected by employees' perceptions of job opportunities through different mechanisms (internally and externally). While the sample size in the study may limit the generalization of its findings, other factors, such as participants' characteristics and the real situation of the job market, may also have limited participants' work behavior intentions. Although the post hoc factor analysis verified that there is little possibility of common method bias, the research could be improved upon by using a different type of data collection method.


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