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The Survey of Phyllophane Fungi of Melon Leaf (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulates Naud.)


本研究於2008及2009年2至5月在臺南市佳里和七股地區春作洋香瓜(Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Naud.)田,使用麥芽抽取物培養基(MEA)進行葉面真菌相調查,探討葉面真菌濃度與氣象因子的相關性,及葉面真菌組成相似性(similarity)分析。共採樣920皿,鑑定真菌共23類,不完全菌綱占89.40%,優勢真菌依序為Cladosporium、Yeasts、Fusarium、Penicillium和Alternaria;上下葉面平均濃度合計達366,583 CFU/立方公分,下葉面真菌濃度高於上葉面,採收期葉面真菌濃度最高。葉面總真菌濃度與氣溫呈顯著正相關(r=0.631, p<0.01),與風速呈顯著負相關(r=-0.527, p<0.01)。以classic Jaccard and Sørensen indices比較上、下葉面真菌菌種相似度指標(C(下標 J)值0.74、C(下標 S)值0.85),與兩樣區菌種相似度指標(C(下標 J)值0.52、C(下標 S)值0.69),顯示洋香瓜上、下葉面菌種組成相似性較高,兩樣區菌種相似性較低;上、下葉面和兩樣區葉面真菌Bray-Curtis相似度指標C(下標 N)值分別為0.81和0.94,顯示兩樣區真菌豐富度相似性極高。


The study was conducted to reveal the correlation between phyllophane fungi concentration and meteorological factors, and analyzed the similarity index between sampling sites, abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of phylloplane fungi in Jaili and Cigu districts, Tainan city on spring cultivation period of melon (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Naud.) from February to May in 2008 and 2009. The research drew a total of 920 sample cultures, in which 23 taxa of fungi were identified and 89.40% were Deuteromycetes. The predominant phyllophane fungi were identified as Cladosporium、Yeasts、Fusarium、Penicillium and Alternaria (in decreasing order). The average fungi concentration on both abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces was 366,583 CFU/cm^2 in total. Total fungi concentration on abaxial leaf surface was higher than the concentration on adaxial leaf surface. The highest concentration of phylloplane fungi occurred at the harvest period. Significantly positive correlation were found beween total concentration of phylloplance fungi and temperature (r=0.631, P<0.01), but negative correlation with wind speed (r=-0.527, p<0.01). Classic Jaccard and Sorensen indices was used to compare the incidence similarity index of phyllophane fungi on both abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces (C(subscript J) value 0.74, C(subscript S) value 0.85), and two sampling sites (C(subscript J) value 0.52, C(subscript S) value 0.69). It was found that fungi taxa on adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces had higher similarity, however, it showed low similarity in two sites. The Bray-Curtis abundance similarity C(subscript N) values of phyllophane fungi, for adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces and for two sampling sites were 0.81 and 0.94 respectively, and showed that two sampling sites had quite high similarity of fungi abundance.
